Archive for February, 2008

Wonderful Surprises!!

I wasn’t too psyched to go into work today because it was my 2nd night shift of the week and I am so tired. But then I got to my desk and saw the most amazing thing in the whole world!!! Here is a slightly exagerated recreation in my apartment:

Yes, there are 11 boxes of Girl Scout cookies there………I only meant to buy 8 but then I found out that one of my co-workers daughters was selling them as well, so I had to buy some more from her…………and they are all mine! Waaahaaahaahaa………contrary to what the picture shows, I will not be sharing them with Addie or Hermione.


Where are the Rice Krispies Treats?????????

I am mad. This doesn’t happen very often. But when the IMU refuses to restock their store of Rice Krispies treats it peeves me off a tinch. Seriously though – all I want is a bar made out of marshmallows and rice krispy-ish cereal, how freaking hard is that to deliver on University of Iowa? You have brownies, cookies, star crunches (who the hell even eats those?), but you no longer have any rice krispies treats. WTH? I let this slide when you stopped restocking my Uncle Ben’s teryaki chicken rice bowls (because I’m pretty sure they don’t even make those anymore), I even let this slide when you stopped stocking my Lean Cuisine that I liked. But this tears it. If I can’t get a rice krispies treat whenever I feel like walking over to the IMU then I don’t know what the world is coming to. What’s next? Are you going to take away my iced tea? (Oh you better not do that IMU – don’t get any ideas U of Iowa administrators – I know you all read this blog).

= Delicious, So Don’t You DARE MESS WITH ME IMU

<3, lindsayd.

Body Image

I had to watch a Dove Real Beauty film and respond to it for one of my assignments for Aerobics (Amber had to too).  I just watched it and thought I would post it on the blog for your viewing pleasure.

I think by now we all know that the pictures we see in magazines and on billboards and whatever form of media you can think are digitally enhanced/touched up.  And even though we know that the pictures don’t reflect the truth, it doesn’t stop a lot of us from comparing ourselves to it.  I really have no idea why this is.  I admit that I do it all the time – I know that I’m not fat, and I think that I’m pretty cute – but when I see a picture of a model, I usually think to myself “She looks fabulous, I wish my legs (or arms, or waist or butt, etc.) looked like that.  Maybe I should work out more or change my diet (diet in the sense of food intake, not like “a diet”) or wear more makeup or spend more time on my hair.”  Now, I’m not the best motivator when it comes to putting myself on a workout plan or modifying my diet or spending time doing my hair and makeup, and that’s probably why I am the way I am.  So basically about 99% of the time, I feel really good about myself and the way I look.  It’s eerie the effect that a picture of someone who isn’t you can have on you.

But about the video – I think that seeing the process sped up instead of gradually really helped me realize just how much they did touch her up – first by doing her makeup and hair (those are obvious givens) and then on the computer with lengthening her neck (I shuddered at this!) and sculpting out her cheeks and shoulders and enlarging her eyes.  Oh, I’m real insecure about my eyes – my left one goes shut more than my right eye and I hate it!, plus I think they’re too small and squinty.

A really crazy thing about this video – even though it did bolster my self esteem – is that I still believe that there are those women out there who do look like the finished product, and therefore it is achievable.  I feel like I didn’t quite get the full message, but that’s not Dove’s fault.  I think they did a really good job and that they’re taking some really positive steps in a direction towards a kinder and more realistic body image for girls/women.  I think that I have just warped my sense of self so much that when I fall into my 1% time frame of not feeling fabulous it’s a really bad extreme of feeling fat ugly and not good enough to be seen in public.  Good thing I live with Amber who constantly tells me that I am/look fabulous (I need to tell her that more often, but I don’t because I feel like she’s just always fabulous and so that it would get a little repetitive to tell her).

So I thought that I would put some self esteem building tips at the end of this blog entry.  However, I was googling (OMG wordpress is telling me that googling is spelled incorrectly…and also wordpress… 😀 ) self esteem building tips and all I could find was some really lame stuff that just seems laughable.  So instead of using tips from the web, I’ll just make up some of my own.

Lindsay’s Self Esteem Builders / Mood Enhancers

Think about what you’re good at and go do it whenever you’re feeling like you can’t do something.  Even if the only thing you’re good at is reading – go read.

Have a dance break!

Call a friend up.

Coloring is super fun, so maybe you should go find a book and some crayons… I suggest Curious George or Strawberry Shortcake books, but you can choose others.

Listen to your favorite music.

Bake some brownies or cookies and share them with your family or friends.

Go for a run or do some other kind of exercise.

Do a math problem! (Note: This usually only works if you like math…)

Make silly faces at yourself in the mirror.

Pretend that you’re on the runway and strut!

There are of course many more things that you can do to make yourself feel better, and some of them you’ll just have to figure out on your own.  But I feel like I’ve given you a few good tips to start with.

<3, lindsayd.

Adventures in Spice World

zigazaga!  Here is Amber, Lindsay and Sheila’s amazingly fabulous Spice Girls concert experience–GIRL POWER:


What I <3 about Jen!

So after I posted things about what I like about myself, I thought it would be fun to write about things I like about Jen and Amber!  So I will start this off by posting what I like about Jen!

1. She is a librarian.  And not just any librarian, but a children’s librarian.  The best part about this is that she doesn’t really like children.  I think this is pretty hilarious.

2. She names her cats after book characters like Hermione.  I believe the other cat’s name is Addy, but I’m not sure which book she got that one from.  And the next cat she gets is going to be named Serafina (last name starts with a P…) from His Dark Materials.

3. She thinks she needs to be drunk to be “Fun Jen” but really she is always “Fun Jen”, she just doesn’t know it.

4.  She introduces me to new authors and books that I’ll probably grow to love just as much as she does.  And like I’ve said – one of the best feelings in the world is getting to read a new book.

5. She doesn’t get embarrassed when Amber and I act crazy and strange in public, and she thinks our antics are cute.

I love more than 5 things about Jen, but of course I have subliminally made this post about 5 things because of the 5 Spice Girls.

<3, lindsayd.

What I do not <3.

I just have to say that I am pretty good at attending all of my classes.  Except for Organic Chemistry Lab Lecture.  It is at 11:30 on Friday afternoon, and as of today I have attended a grand total of 2 lectures (today’s and the first one).  Of course everyone attends the first lecture of any class (usually), so I shouldn’t really get any points for that one.  The problem with this class is mainly that it is at 11:30.  I get done with class or lab at 11:20 Monday through Thursday, and then I go eat lunch right away.  I get hungry at like 11:10 every day.  I think I don’t really have to say anything more – you all can probably figure this one out.

But today I went because I was supposed to meet up with my lab partner and exchange some GC data from like 2 weeks ago.  She was the one who emailed me last night and said that we should meet up at lecture.  Not me.  I would have preferred to just meet in dark alley at like 2 a.m. rather than at lecture but whatever. And guess what I do not <3.  She didn’t show up.  So I went to lecture and starved to death while being pummeled to death by boredom for NOTHING.  Actually that is not true because halfway through the lecture I stuck my headphones back in my ears and listened to Goblet of Fire (just after the Yule Ball where Ron and Hermione fight!).  So then I called her after lecture and she didn’t answer.  Ugh.  I so do not ❤ this.

<3, lindsayd.

Abbeyrd is the most fabulous Beatles site ever!!!

Ahhhhh! and I thought my life was complete after I saw the Spice Girls. . . .

Abbeyrd (the site I mentioned here) has linked to us–US–yes, US!!!!!

Check it out:

I’m so giddy and excited and yup, I feel like dancing. So I’m going to go do that now while I get ready for my nerdy Librarian TEI workshop this weekend. Cheers cheers cheers!

Proud fan of Abbeyrd since 1997!

4. The Spice Girls Know What Fun Sounds Like


Next installment of Top 5 things I love love love about the Spice Girls because they are totally fabulous:

numero four: The Spice Girls Know What Fun Sounds Like.  And it sounds like “Ba da ba da, Ba da ba da” and “zigazaga” and “la la la” and “hahahaha”.

and a recap–numero five: They promote safe sex! especially in their song”2 become 1″ which is so lovely. That’s right–”Be a little bit wiser, baby. Put it on, Put it on”


Love International-style

Hooray, it is International Beatles Appreciation Day! I just re-read the facebook invite that I got to this world-wide celebration, and oops, I was supposed to wear symbols of peace today. I am instead wearing a shirt that says “The Hitman Camaro” which ain’t exactly all love and peaceful (I don’t actually know what it means; I bought it at goodwill like 7 years ago, so maybe it means peace in an ironic way). Anyway, I totally love these special bring-people together days, but I never feel like I really am participating. I’ve been running around frantically all day trying to finish things that needed to be done today (and that I had plenty of time to do, but I often choose to spend my time blogging or watching Project Runway) so I haven’t even listened to or thought about a single Beatles song today. Now that I’m sitting in databases class, I’ve got the time to daydream 😉 and I wrote out a little timeline of all the important Beatles moments in my life:

May 2, 1997- watched “A Hard Day’s Night” for the first time (which I had taped off AMC months before out of curiosity) and became an instant super-obsessed preteen fangirl. I stole all my older brother cds, read everything I could find at the library (and actually had them order the newest Paul McCartney bio for me), joined the Paul McCartney Fun Club, checked AbbeyRd’s news webpage everyday, and was always drawing a flaming pie on the back of my hand.

Fall 1998- had a brief email correspondence with James L. McCartney–I know, right?! this was back in the day when you could find anyone’s email address online. Some people may still humbug this, but I totally believe it was him! and if not, then he was a very nice person who went out of their way to make my day, so that is cool, too.

August 1999- my parents took me to Beatlefest Chicago–totally awesome.  This is where I learned what the word “fandom” meant.

October 2002- my parents took me to a Paul McCartney concert–totally awesome.

March 2003- while on a band trip in Florida, I ran up and touched the handle on the door to Magical Mystery Tourbus that sits in front of the Hard Rock–meaning I have touched something that the Beatles touched–meaning I have had contact with the Beatles.

I’m sure that was the boringest timeline ever to someone who, you know, actually lived through Beatlemania 😉

Now, as I look at my timeline, I am sad that there are no recent dates; I seem to have neglected my search for new Beatles memories.  I am horrified to have realized that my ten-year Beatlesfan anniversary came and went without my acknowledgment of it–possibly due to the building Harry Potter excitement.  I used to watch “A Hard Day’s Night” every May 2, but I don’t think I’ve even done that for about four years.  Geez.  This really is sad.  I will definitely watch AHDN tonight; I will prolly have to kick Lindsay off the TV, but I’ll do it–It’s for the Beatles.   And I will have a Help! soundtrack dance party in my bedroom before I go to sleep.

amber j.
proud Beatles fangirl since 1997

Sara Bareilles is like my favorite new artist ever.

OK, you’ve all probably heard her most popular song, Love Song (she sings in on the Rhapsody on your TV commercial), and it the video to go along with it is pretty darn adorable.  But I’m discovering that I like more than just Love Song.  Here’s her music video for “Fairytale”.  Way cute!!

Happy Harry Potter Day!!

<3, lindsayd.