Posts Tagged 'Daniel Radcliffe'

This Movie Trailer Might Make You Pee Your Pants

When I first heard that Daniel Radcliffe was going to star in the movie version of The Woman in Black I was super excited.  I feel a strong connection to that story since I survived seeing the play when I was in London.

Why do I say “survived” seeing the play?  Because the play is freaking terrifying!!  When I was in London, I latched on to a lovely group of theater majors who were also on the trip and we went to a lot of shows together.  I think I went to 12 in all during the three months I was there.  I missed most of the big ones (The Lion King, Wicked, Chicago, etc.) but offhand I remember seeing Les Mis, Stones in His Pockets (the play Dan went to with his parents and met David Heyman for the first time……not a play for kids btw), Mama Mia, Noises Off, Private Lives (with Alan Rickman!!!) and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (with Brendan Fraser).  It was easy for us to go to so many plays because if you had a student ID you could get any last minute tickets for super cheap right before the show started.

Well, one evening Josh asked if I wanted to go see The Woman in Black.  I said sure, whatever, because I had no idea what I was getting into.  Not until we got to the theater and I saw all the super creepy posters did I realize that this was a SCARY play.  I figured, “how scary can it be?  It’s a play, it will be so easy to tell that everything is fake!”  I could not have been more wrong.  The Woman in Black is soooooooo terrifying.  I don’t even remember much about the plot, just that this young dude spends some time in this spooky house and a woman in black keeps appearing.  It may sound kind of lame, but trust me, it is anything but.  At one point during the show, the woman actually walked down the main aisle of the theater and everybody screamed bloody murder.  If I hadn’t been safely up in the cheap balcony seats I would have run out into the dark streets of London by myself to escape the horror.

So anyway, enough rambling.  I figured that since I survived the play, the movie would be no problem at all.  Well, after seeing this trailer, I think I am going to skip this movie until I can watch it in broad daylight, surrounded by family and friends and my cats.

Awwwww man!  Why did I have to watch it again??  Now I am going to have nightmares for days.


Edit:  I just found the website for the play!!

Can HP Actors Speak “American?”

My sister posted this on her Facebook page and it is so adorable!! If you are even a vague fan of the Harry Potter movies, you must watch this video.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Glen Beck? Booyah!, posted with vodpod

How cute were they??? I love how Dan is so amused by the whole thing and Emma is adorable trying to be an American (she should be the best at it since she goes to school here now). But the MVP of this video is definitely Tom Felton….way to go taking a tiny amount of screen time and showing a killer personality!


P.S. I apologize to anyone who is not a Potter fan, but I have a feeling I will be doing many, many HP related posts in the next few days.

New Longer HBP Trailer!!!

So the International trailer for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince just came out online today.  I have watched it a couple times and here are my thoughts:

1.  Michael Gambon does not make me hate him.  I think I am going to like him in this movie.

2.  Draco looks very dashing, like he should have looked the whole time.

3.  At first I thought Ron and Hermione were kissing halfway through and I started freaking out!  No, no no, that cannot happen until movie 7!!!  What are they think–oh wait a minute…..whoops, I think that was Lavender.  I’m okay now.

4.  I love the split second scene that shows Snape walking, no wait stalking, by the tables with his entourage.

5.  I am a big fan of the scene at the end with Hermione and Harry.  Although I think it is slightly out of character for Harry in book 6, I still thought it was funny and for once Emma Watson appeared to NOT be on the verge of tears.

So watch the trailer and see what you think about it.


P.S.  It totally snowed here today.  Not real-stick-to-the-ground type snow, but snow nonetheless.

Dan Radcliffe on Conan!

I didn’t catch this on TV Monday night, but thank goodness for and youtube!  Seriously, Dan Radcliffe is adorable, and I just want to hug him and make him some supper.  He’s just so cute!  I love the interaction between him and Conan.  Watch for yourselves!



Conan: “J.K. Rowling, was she all right with you…” (Conan obviously alluding to Dan’s nakedness in Eqqus (spelling?))

Dan Radcliffe: “Oh, she loved it.”