Archive for August, 2012

Meg Cabot Challenge

Oh my goodness. It’s been practically five months since our last post! How did that happen! That time really did fly by.

Anyhow, I’ve got to type fast because the whining has started and I know I’m going to have to do some walking and rocking soon.

I have decided to put a challenge to myself! The Meg Cabot Challenge!

*From Meg’s website. Highly appropriate I think.

Starting now, I am going to read every single book Meg Cabot has ever written, in chronological order, until I am done! Okay…so that’s not exactly a challenge since we all know how awesome Meg is. Mainly the challenge will be reading in order. Sadly there are some of her books that I do not own and will be getting from the library. So it will be hard to wait and not just move on to one of her books that I already have. And don’t think I’ll be cheating by not rereading! I’m totally going to be rereading!

Part of the challenge is also blogging the books! I hereby promise to document my challenge on this very here blog! Wooooo! Not every book will get its own post. I will most likely be putting books from the same series together and I will probably put some standalones together too.

Read along with me! First off will be Where Roses Grow Wild. Let’s do this!

<3s! Lindsay

*Update: OMG, this is harder than I thought. My library does not have this book! Maybe I will try interlibrary loan! I will keep you all posted!