Posts Tagged 'weddings'

Phineas and Ferb Friday #5

I wish I could put more effort into my last Phineas and Ferb Friday, but I am super sick today.  You know when you can’t even enjoy being at home because you feel so miserable???  That is me today.

So in honor of the Royal Wedding that happened earlier, here is one of my favorite episodes, “Candace’s Big Day.”  The Doofenshmirtz plot is not that great, but I adore everything else that happens.

It has two of my favorite moments ever including Candace’s line, “Look at this cake!  It has a chicken in it!  And my hair!  I think it may also have a chicken in it.”

The other moment that I love is when Phineas points out that Candace is a great wedding planner and Phineas says he wants her to plan his wedding.  He says, “Ferb make a note.”  And then Isabella chimes in from off screen saying “I got it!”  This really only makes sense if you know that Isabella is in LOVE with Phineas.

So, without further ado, here is “Candace’s Big Day.”


I Now Pronounce You…Mr. and Mrs. Rainbow Brite

Since I have been hearing a lot about weddings lately (congrats Jessi and Amber!!!) I thought this post about nerdy wedding cake toppers was very interesting.  I especially like the Stargate one and the incredibly dapper Frankenstein and his bride.  It got me thinking about who I might choose to represent me on top of my wedding cake.

rainbow brite

My first choice would probably be Rainbow Brite.  She is spunky, cute, and her colorful wardrobe would liven up any cake.  She also has a belt that can produce rainbows and a very snarky horse……what more could you want?  But the problem is that there isn’t a “Mr. Rainbow Brite.”  There is Chris, the fellow saver-of-the-world that she meets in the classic movie Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer.  They meet, they fight, they hate each other…..which totally means they are in LOVE!  But, I just don’t think he is important enough to warrant a spot atop the cake.

I think what I will have to do is hope that my future husband will be just as nerdy as I am and he will have his own ideas for a cake topper to represent him.  I would definitely approve of a Storm Trooper, a Lord of the Rings character, or any 80s cartoon icon.  This blending of tastes option is represented nicely in the picture of the Transformer getting married to Smurfette.

Opposites Attract

Opposites Attract

But, I could go a totally different route and have my second choice……….Ron and Hermione.  That would actually be pretty awesome.  Very recognizable and quite dear to my heart.  And it would definitely be Ron and Hermione and NOT Harry and Ginny, since most of you know how I feel about Ginny (shudder).

So, now that I have rambled……who would you pick to be on top of your wedding cake???


Amber is resurfacing!

Gasp! the air feels fantastic! I have been absent for way toooo long from this blog, and so many things have happened that I should have written looooong posts about, but I’m going to give the long/short version of them all combined in a neatly ordered list.

1. Jill, Steve, and I joined Team Fiona with Sarah and her family for the walk for Angelman Syndrome in Des Moines, IA.

2. Lindsay and I roadtripped to Peoria for a Wizard rock show to see Lena of the Butterbeer Experience, Lauren of the Moaning Myrtles, and Kristina of the Parselmouths (and we also got to see NinaMyrtle and the Ministry of Magic). We both wore super cute blue summer dress and hats, but it got cold so we had to switch into the clothes we bought at the nearby mall…

3. Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson got married, and I had to read all the tabloids. I never would have predicted that Ashlee would become my favorite Simpson. Life is weird.

4. NerdGirl Lindsay gets Married! (Lindsay left her wand in Iowa City, but I made sure to bring mine, because what good wizard bride doesn’t get a photo with her dress, flowers and wand? and Lindsay is for sure the good wizard bride.)

5. Bachelorette party for Sheila in Chicago! Never ever ever stay at the Wingate by Wyndham in Arlington Heights. The staff will stalk you and make you feel most uncomfortable. And apparently the staff at Howl at the Moon ALL know the words to a Spice Girls song now, even though back in February, when the Spice Girls WERE IN CHICAGO, the staff acted clueless to our requests, huff huff.

6. Sheila gets married in 21 words: walk down aisle power out water pours through roof priest says holy cow trees uprooted walk out of church all sunny.

7. Iowa City floods. Things are getting better, I just unpacked my emergency evacuation bag last night. My apartment was fine because it was on top of a hill, but water came up from 3 sides leaving only one road out–very scary. And my poor Art Museum (you can’t really see it in the video, it is just past the Theater Building). I feel incredibly guilty that I didn’t even help sandbag it (I only sandbagged one day, which is pretty lame of me. Although, most of the sandbagging was done on the east side of the river which we weren’t supposed to cross. Other people did though. But I am a loser and follow whatever anyone tells me…) I’m sure I don’t need to go into too much detail since it has kinda been all over the news. P.S. My roommate Cassi is the lovely videographer and narrator in the video.

8. And last, my anxiety disorder has made a reappearance. Maybe someday I’ll go into more detail on this since I think mental disorders definitely need to be discussed more openly so they can be better understood and so I guess I have to talk the talk, right? Not right now though. Things are getting better! I think I have finally found some medications that are helping (yesterday I smiled while by myself for the first time in a week! I was dancing to Ingrid Michaelson in my bedroom, which is also something I hadn’t done in several weeks. I never realized how much I normally smile until I stopped and the frowns just feel so foreign.) While I’m on this topic, let me just praise praise praise the latest installment of the Princess Diaries Series by Meg Cabot:

Princess Mia is one the best books, YA or not, that has portrayed depression honestly and realistically, and it is the first book with a depression theme where I have actually felt a connection with the character–many books on this theme seem to feature already jaded characters who endure incredible trauma or tragedy in their lives, which is definitely a needed literature, but I think it is also important to show that depression and mental disorders can hit even the cheerful, the happy, and the, well, average. Go Meg Cabot!

phew, now I am all caught up with the boring elements of life, I am free to blog about more relevant things, like why Sleeping Beauty and the Santa Clause 2 DVDs were in the SF/HORROR section in the library…


Whoa, rush of emotions

Ok, so I really shouldn’t do things but work while at work–I’m far too emotional for things.  A couple years ago I chose to reread the ending of Half-Blood Prince during a slow night in the University of Iowa Museum of Art Giftshop (RIP).  Well, the night turned out to be not so slow, and I repeatedly had to explain my tears to the concerned customers: “sniffle sniffle- I’m sorry, Dumbledore just died.”  Well, today I was listening to John Legend’s “Get Lifted” album while editing lots and lots of manuscript photos and the song “It Don’t Have to Change” came on.  Thank science that no one else was in the project room at the time because I’m sure the strained face I was making while trying not to sob would have brought on nightmares (scary ones–ones that take place in a world where puppies don’t exist)  Here is the song:

ok, seriously I am so emotional today. As most of you know–because I complain about it all the time– all my friends are getting all graduated and/or hitched and leaving me! Some of these girls I have known for five years or less, others I have know since I was five–and I just love them like Lindsay loves Twilight. Ok, I am so crying now. which is bad because I don’t have time to fix my makeup before leaving for the next Chip Kidd lecture at the Prairie Lights bookstore. In the world of the prolific Garth Algar, “[I] fear change.” Seriously guys? Indiana? Chicago? St. Louis? Chicago? Nashville? California? I know this is growing up, but it kinda sucks right now.

But there is one good thing about this situation (besides my friends being independent, successful career women, finding the one they love, and/or hopefully having little versions of themselves in the future that I can buy lots and lots of books for) and it is new expensive dresses and shoes that I don’t have to feel guilty about buying! Here are my shoes that I bought for Lindsay’s and Sheila’s weddings:


I call them my princess shoes.

Ok, no more listening to John Legend, or the Wicked soundtrack, or the Golden Girls theme song…
