Posts Tagged 'Spice Girls'

What I would wear if I was a Spice Girl

I would wear LOTS of stuff, but here is the spicy me on a nerdy day:


Oh and check out the polyvore sets of DINOSAURMUFFIN! She’s a fellow girly blogger! Hurrah!

Adventures in Spice World

zigazaga!  Here is Amber, Lindsay and Sheila’s amazingly fabulous Spice Girls concert experience–GIRL POWER:


4. The Spice Girls Know What Fun Sounds Like


Next installment of Top 5 things I love love love about the Spice Girls because they are totally fabulous:

numero four: The Spice Girls Know What Fun Sounds Like.  And it sounds like “Ba da ba da, Ba da ba da” and “zigazaga” and “la la la” and “hahahaha”.

and a recap–numero five: They promote safe sex! especially in their song”2 become 1″ which is so lovely. That’s right–”Be a little bit wiser, baby. Put it on, Put it on”


5. The Spice Girls Promote Safe Sex

Ok, the concert was AMAZING, but more on that later (I want to write a super intense post about it, and I don’t have time right now–I have to get to the library to take back a bunch of overdue Non-fiction DVDs including “Gay Republicans” which was totally fascinating) but I wanted to start my series of Top 5 things I love love love about the Spice Girls because they are totally fabulous:

numero five: They promote safe sex! especially in their song”2 become 1″ which is so lovely. That’s right–“Be a little bit wiser, baby. Put it on, Put it on”

the video is soooo pretty, sigh, I miss the day when I could just turn on mtv or vh1 and watch music videos all day.


What Do You Like About Yourself?

This post is going to be a feel warm and fuzzy post, so if you are not in the mood to be happy I suggest you turn away from your computer right….NOW.

OK, now that we’ve weeded out all the moan n’ groaners, let’s begin.

Do you ever have a moment when you’re just like “I really like myself!”?  I hope you do.  I have them every now and then (I like myself all the time, but don’t always acknowledge it) and it is a wonderful awesome feeling!  I’m going to go ahead and list some things that I like about myself:

1) I read a lot.  Reading makes me so happy, especially when I get to read a new book!  Nothing is better than taking time to read something from one of your favorite authors.  And I like that I still free read – I feel like I’m in an exclusive club.

2) I catch myself dancing and mouthing the words to songs in public.  Sure, you may think I’d feel stupid, but instead I feel kind of special, because people are looking at me and I like to think that maybe I’ve given them something to laugh about now or later on.

3) I like math and am good at it.  Seriously, when I’m working really hard on a good math problem my ears turn red because of the focus that’s going on up there.

4) I have really nice friends.  My mom told me once that you attract people who have similar personalities to you.  My friends are really nice, ergo I am really nice.  It makes me feel good to think that people probably think I’m really nice.

5) I can procrastinate like crazy but still get everything I need to done on time.  This is probably not the best thing in the world, but I still like it.  I think it’s kind of funny that I have to wait until crunch time to get things done,  but there’s a reason my dad calls me Last Minute Lindsay.  Sometimes I wish I can be super organized and disciplined (w00t Alison), but then I probably wouldn’t have half as much fun as I do (like when we played baseball in the office with an easter egg as the ball and a sharpie as the bat).

I want everyone to post at least one thing that they like about themselves in the comments page.  It will seriously make you feel good about yourself and give your step a little bounce today!

<3, lindsayd.

P.S.  I totally did 5 things I like about myself because there are 5 spice girls.  I’m Baby Spice pretty much every single day…but maybe I can start being Posh every now and then.

A spicy taste of what’s to come

Be prepared, nerdy folks. I predict that after tomorrow this blog will be overrun with Spice Girls posts. Why? thank you for asking: BECAUSE LINDSAY AND I (AND OUR BFF SHEILA) ARE SEEING A SPICE GIRLS CONCERT TOMORROW!!!! I have dreaming of this moment since I , wide-eyed and squeeful (although squeeful wasn’t yet a word in my vocabulary since this was about three years before I became a Harry Potter and like ten years before I began to listen to Pottercast), first watched what I considered one of the best music videos of our age–“Wannabe.” Oh what colorful outfits! what backflips! what laughter! what climbing over the laps of rich, British upper-class! Even better, I think the first time I saw the video was on Vh1’s Pop Up video (best show EVER)–I don’t think I was allowed to watch Mtv yet in sixth grade, only Vh1???–but now that I think about it: I’m not sure my parents ever told me not to watch Mtv–that was a rule I placed upon myself–hmmm nice to know I am ridiculously obedient and follow even the unsaid rules. Anyway, I must have decided that I was mature enough in 7th grade because that is when I became addicted to TRL, or Mtv Live for those who remember.

Anyways, I, like many other girls, decided I WAS a Spice Girl. However which one changed from day to day–today I am Baby Spice, however usually I am Ginger Spice or Scary Spice–for the 6th grade talent show I was Sporty Spice because I had an orange halter swimsuit top. Wonder if that would fly in an elementary school today? Ha, and I remember when we first told our sixth grade teacher that we wanted to be the Spice Girls–she gave us a really weird look thinking we meant the girls off the SPICE channel. ooooh memories.
