Posts Tagged 'Matt Damon'

Best Movie Song Ever??

This morning I was a lazy bum and didn’t get out of bed until 10:30.  It was actually very difficult for me to even get out of bed because I jogged yesterday and was really feeling it this morning.

I was lumbering around my apartment like a zombie for a little while (mmmmm, toaster strudel!), getting myself psyched to go for another jog when I flipped on the tv and was happily distracted by one of my favorite movie moments ever.

I was just in time to catch the song “Scotty Doesn’t Know” from Eurotrip.  For those of you who haven’t seen Eurotrip, you might think that it is a stupid gross-out high school comedy.  Well, it totally is, but it is also freaking hilarious.  And the main guy, Scotty, is super cute in a nerdy kind of way.

Here, for your viewing pleasure, is “Scotty Doesn’t Know.”  (P.S.  It helps to know that Fiona just dumped Scotty earlier in the day)

Oh Matt Damon, is there nothing you can’t do?  I know that at least one of my nerdgirls loves this movie because we have talked about it (he’s just trying to feed his robot family……heehehehee).  I think it might be Amber??

Anyway, I could listen to that song forever.  I love how everybody sings it over the end credits of the movie…..hmmmm, I might have to watch the whole thing later tonight.


7 Things That Make Me Smile

So, this week has not been all that great so far.  Nothing truly horrible has happened, but just enough to make me say “Blerg!” or “Nerds!” a la Liz Lemon.

I am also getting really lazy with BEDA.  I am literally dragging my feet to the end here.

So, yet again, instead of a real post……here are some things that will help cheer me up today.

Thinking about these cupcakes

This picture by Tanja Askani which is in the book "A Friend Like You"

Purple Pansies

  • Remembering when THIS happened
  • My cats

    And of course, my fellow nerdgirls (and Meg Cabot!!!)

    Aaaaaahhhh, now I feel much better!


    Big Day!

    I am really really really looking forward to tomorrow because I am doing something so exciting, so incredible, so awesome that I will probably have trouble sleeping tonight….

    What could it possibly be that has set my heart aflutter??? Do I have a hot date? Am I headed off to Paris? Am I having dinner with the cast of “The Office?” Am I moving back to Iowa?

    No, no this is much more exciting than any of those things (except maybe the last one)………

    I am going to a Scholastic Customer Appreciation Warehouse Sale!!!!! I am going to be in a huge warehouse filled with nothing but dirt cheap children’s books…………and I just got paid today!!!!!!!!!! I might have to buy another bookcase.

    I am pretty much the nerdiest person on the planet right now………I am just concentrating on trying not to squeal too much when I get there.


    P.S. I am going to post this awesome video, even though it is already on every blog on the Internet. But I feel a close personal connection to it since I have actually touched Matt Damon.  (Even though it is bleeped, I wouldn’t advise watching this at work/class.)