Archive for April, 2009

I Have Seen the Hannah Montana Movie!!

miley-cyrus-hannah-montana-movie-posterI have been looking forward to this day for a long time and it totally lived up to my expectations…..tonight, along with a theater full of kids (all ages, girls and boys) I saw the Hannah Montana Movie.  Thanks so much to Abby for going with me so I was not the creepy old lady sitting by myself.  I really enjoyed the movie and will probably see it again.  Since my mind doesn’t work well in paragraph form, I will make a list of the things I loved and some I didn’t so much love.

Things I loved!!!

**Miley’s acting.  Not once did I look at her and think, “there’s that sixteen year old with a skeezy 20 year old boyfriend,” or did I hear “It’s Miley” from The Soup.  The whole movie I saw her as nothing more than Miley Stewart and cute as a button Hannah Montana, which didn’t always happen with the tv show.

**The songs.  I liked the new stuff that was in the movie, and was happy to hear a new version of “Best of Both Worlds.”

**Jan from “The Office” was in it.  I liked seeing her as something other than crazy trophy-weilding Jan.  Although I was sad that she didn’t sing because apparently she has an amazing voice and I think she even has CDs or something like that.

**Travis.  Oooooh Travis.  He plays Miley’s little love interest, and wow, he is pretty fantastic (I can say that because he is 18 so it is not illegal……….kind of disturbing, but not illegal).  The little girl behind me literally hyperventilated everytime he showed up on screen.  Or maybe she was just making shrieking sounds too high for humans to hear.


**The end credits are awesome…..actually beyond awesome.  Every movie needs to end with a dance number.


**I love how Rascal Flatts is randomly hanging out at Miley’s grandma’s house.  Apparently in Tennessee famous country singers spend their time traveling from porch to porch singing their most well known songs.

Things I didn’t really love:

**Vanessa Williams’ character.  I hate it when they cast “stars” in these types of movies that have absolutely nothing to do with the tv show.  I’m pretty sure no one in the theater was there to see one of the stars of “Ugly Betty.”


**Spoiler Alert!!  Miley and Lily’s fight gets resolved too quickly.  Miley did something really horrible to Lily and after two weeks of not speaking Lily completely forgives her for the sole reason that she wouldn’t be in the movie if she didn’t.

**Speaking of that……where were Oliver and Rico??????  They are in the movie for 5 minutes total………and that includes three minutes of the end credits.

**Not enough Jackson!!!!!!!!!!  He didn’t really do anything in the whole movie except fall down………but he does really know how to fall down.

All in all, I really loved the movie.  It made me laugh, almost cry, and even dance around in my seat a tiny bit.  The best part was being in a full theater where people clapped along with the songs, sang along to “The Climb,” and screamed like they were at a Hannah concert when the movie ended.  When Travis finally admits that he has a crush on Miley, all the girls in the theater went “Awwwwwwww” (I was totally one of them).  That is what makes a fantastic movie experience.

So if you even halfway enjoy the tv show, or like horses, or cute cowboys, go see this movie!!!


Pattinson Music

I must admit — and I know I will probably be banished to the ends of the earth for this — Robert Pattinson never really did it for me in Twilight. Don’t get me wrong. Yes, he’s certainly attractive, um, hello scene when he steps out of his car wearing those sunglasses, and yes, he’s British, so obviously the accent helps immensely, but I don’t know, usually he’s just too scruffy for me or something.  Plus I think I may have a secret thing for Emmett, which might have begun when I dressed as Rosalie for ICPL’s teen Twilight viewing.


Oh. My. Gosh. How much do I freaking love Robert Pattinson’s songs “Never Think” and “Let Me Sign” from the Twilight soundtrack? Answer: SO, SO, SO MUCH!  And since I am a big music nerdgirl & a huge sucker for a boy with a guitar, the amazingness of these two songs alone make me love him. “Never Think” is my current favorite of the two because it’s so simple and beautiful with just the acoustic guitar and his voice. Of course, it’s kind of hard to understand what he’s saying, but whatever, he’s totally forgiven. And “Let Me Sign” is completely haunting and incredible.  Hands down the best haunting song I’ve heard since “Hide and Seek” by Imogen Heap.

So basically, I’m a Robert Pattinson convert thanks to these two songs. I need more!

*Gasp* I just remembered that Robert Pattinson plays “Bella’s Lullaby” in the movie, and according to what I read online, it’s actually him playing the piano!  Guitar AND piano?  Wow!

– jill

Stuff plus dogs.

Hey guys!

So I’m not even sure when the last time I posted actually was.  I probably could check but I think we all know that I am just too lazy to do that.  I feel like it’s been at LEAST a month, maybe even two.  Who really knows?  I sure don’t.


You took my book?

You took my book?


So what have I been doing in lieu of posting on the NGB site?  Besides working (best job ever – the other day I got to use a jigsaw and hammer….and I work in a Biochem lab!) I’ve been watching a lot of How I Met Your Mother (LEGEN wait for it DARY!)  writing, and training for my upcoming Half Marathon.  


Ready for a run?  Dont forget your hat!

Ready for a run? Don't forget your hat!


Hahahahahaha.  I hear you all laughing and saying that I am too lazy to run a half marathon.  Also that this is probably my late attempt at an April Fool’s joke (because I am too lazy to remember that that was April 1).  Well, surprisingly enough I am not joking about the 1/2 marathon.  I really am going to show up on race day, with a legit number and everything.  Sure I will not run the whole thing, because really?  13.1 miles?  I mean, sure, maybe in a year or so I could run it without walking, but really I am only up to a little over 2 miles.  I’ll end up walking over half of this sucker.  But whatever.  As long as I finish in 4 hours or less I’m okay.


Do you like this color on me?

Do you like this color on me?


This makes me wonder.  What will they do if I do not finish in 4 hours?  Will they take away my participation medal?  Will they take my t-shirt away?  Will they give me back my registration fee?  I mean seriously, the 4 hours rule is just lame.  I’m tempted to get to the finish line and then sit there until the clock reads 4:00:01 and then cross.  Then I’ll be all like, “What are you going to do about it?”


This is definitely the right color for me!

This is definitely the right color for me!


Switching gears, I absolutely LOVE How I Met Your Mother.  The hubby and I are on the 3rd disc of the second season.  Barney is Andrew’s favorite character.  While I love Barney, I think my favorite character is Marshall.  He is fantastic at playing the lovable goofy guy.  He just melts my heart with his superb acting skills.  He is adorkable personified I believe.  As for Robin and Ted.  Well…don’t ruin it for me!  Right now they’re dating but I know that later on they’re not together.  I saw a more recent episode where Barney was trying to sleep with Robin and Ted was about to marry Eliot for Scrubs (I know that he didn’t though).  I can’t wait to get Season 3 though!!


We are going treasure diving.  I love pearls.

We are going treasure diving. I love pearls.


And then there’s this whole writing deal.  I started with this back in October when I was unemployed.  One day I decided to start writing about my horrific junior high experience (yes, it was truly horrific).  I even tried (read: Failed) to do NaNoWriMo.  Later on I realized that this first story I was writing just didn’t feel right to me.  So I started a new story with characters in high school.  That one I outlined and backstoried for about a month and a half.  I never actually started writing that one.  


No fair, you got the better swing!  You lose you snooze.

"No fair, you got the better swing!" "You lose you snooze."


Then I started to think about writing children’s books.  I have about a page worth of story for one, and half a story for another one.  Then I started thinking about my high school story that I had been outlining for so long.  In other words, I had a major case of writing ADD.



Dont look at me!  Look at me!  Im beautiful.

Don't look at me! Look at me! I'm beautiful.



But going back to the high school story, I realized that to start the story at that point in time would almost be confusing.  The relationship between my antagonist and protagonist would not really be understood.  Also, I didn’t want people to misunderstand my antagonist.  She’s not really a witch deep down.  She can be nice.  And all of the sudden I started the story of how she and my main character grew apart.


Were you even listening when I said I didnt like broccoli?  You insult me.

Were you even listening when I said I didn't like broccoli? You insult me.


So now I have been working on this same story, set in 6th grade, for a couple of weeks now.  I am happy to report that I have 2 full chapters finished, and am working on the 3rd one now.  I believe the “age range” I am going for is middle grade.  So around 20K to 40K words.  I keep trying to outline, but I just can’t.  I don’t know why and it frustrates me.  I mean, I know how I want to the book to end and what to happen in it, but it’s just really hard outlining it all.  What I’ve been doing is getting to the end of one chapter and then all of a sudden I just know what will happen in the next chapter.  So I guess that is what I will continue doing until either I find I am able to outline the book or I up and finish it.


Shhh!  I need my beauty rest.

Shhh! I need my beauty rest.


So that’s all for now.  I was inspired to blog again because of Maureen Johnson’s BEDA (Blog Every Day April).  I know I’m a little late on the start, but w/e.  BTW, have you read her blog?  She is absolutely HILARIOUS.  Check her out –  I promise you won’t be disappointed (unless you are dead inside).  


Dahling, let us have a tea party.  You bring the scones.

Dahling, let us have a tea party. You bring the scones.


And now that I have written close to 900 words with no pictures, I will now go and add random pictures of dogs looking like people from my absolute favorite new website, dogs looking like people (google it, I’m too lazy to link this one).


Heyyyyyy.  s all right.  Be cool.

Heyyyyyy. 's all right. Be cool.



hearts!  lindsay

**Edited:  So after thinking about it for a while, I realized I should probably link to the original website where I saw the dog pictures.  Now if you click on any of the pictures, it should take you there, but just in case:  BRILLIANT WEBSITE!!!!

Girl Power Music

This isn’t a post about the Spice Girls.  Sorry if I misled you by the title!  I am making myself an awesome new CD soon, and a bunch of the songs on it are by current teenage girl rockers.  Here’s what’s sitting in my iTunes shopping cart. (I can’t download them until I’m ready to make the CD.  I know, weird rules.)

Demi Lovato – “Don’t Forget” — haven’t heard the whole song yet but love the clip on the Disney Channel
Demi Lovato – “La La Land” — ditto above
P!nk – “Just Like a Pill” — apparently that’s how she spells her name.  She’s not a teenage girl rocker, but I forgot all about this song until Amber & I recently tried to remember her first hits
Miranda Cosgrove (with Drake Bell) – “Leave It All to Me” — I soooo love the iCarly theme song!
Muse – “Supermassive Black Hole” — a non-teenage girl rocker, but it’s from Twilight, so it still counts
Iron & Wine – “Flightless Bird, American Mouth” — ditto above, LOVE it at the end of Twilight.  Every time I watch the movie (3 times now), it stays in my head for the rest of the day, which is fabulous
Miley Cyrus – “The Climb” — totally ready for the movie to come out!
Aly & AJ – “Rush” — discovered this while listening to the Demi Lovato station on Pandora (thanks for twittering about that Lindsay! 🙂 )

Any more I should get??

– jill