Posts Tagged 'New Moon'

My Thoughts On New Moon

Okay, so I will admit that New Moon has only been out for like 11 days or something like that and I have already seen it three times.  But in my defense, one of the times was free, so that really doesn’t count.  Needless to say I totally loved it.

Here are some of my favorite (and not so favorite) parts of the movie.  Things will be a little spoilery from here on out.

*First of all….this movie was made for midnight shows…….seeing it with the opening night crowd was amazing!!!!  There was ooooooohing and aaaaaaaaahing, squealing, and lots of cries of “take your shirt off!!”  (I will admit that even I yelled out “Why are you wearing a shirt?” at Jacob during the scene at Emily’s house………oh funny story about that……apparently my sister yelled out “Who gave him a shirt?” during the exact same scene when she first saw it.)

*I liked Kristen Stewart so much more in this movie!!!!!  Even though she was all angsty and totally lacking in any girl power or sense of self, that is totally in keeping with the book so I could ignore that.  I think I am just really annoyed by her acting when she is around Edward……so that didn’t happen very often in this movie.

*Ummmmmm, Charlie is like amazing!  I totally love him a little bit more each time I see the movie.

Oh Charlie!

*Speaking of non-monster characters…….how about them humans???  Mike and Jessica stole every scene they were in!  Mike was fantastic in the movie scene (man, can that boy play sick!) and Jessica can take a line like “movie night with Bella” and make it the funniest thing ever.

*I am not going to talk too much about how awesome the shirtless werewolves are because it’s kind of creepy.  I’ll just say that Paul was really hot because he is 24 so that makes it a little more okay.  And Jacob was awesome.  That is all.

No Shirts, No Problem!

*Michael Sheen as Aro was the greatest casting in the history of all movies.  I love the fact that he is this super important well respected actor who has been in Oscar winning movies and yet he is not afraid to do stuff like New Moon for fun.  He played Aro pitch-perfectly.  No one else could have done it better!

*I adore Alice…….I also adore Alice and Jacob interacting……….I have such high hopes for the vampire/werewolf interactions in the next movie!!

*I thought they did a MUCH better job of doing the vampire running thing in this movie.

Now on to the things I did not like so much.

*Ummmmm, this is not a high school play……so could you at least get some decent wigs.  Jasper looked hideous….there is no other word for it.  People literally laughed every time he came on screen (and that was before he even started speaking).  Also, Rosalie’s hair was TERRIBLE!!!  I know that she has brown hair in real life, but really…….SNL has better wigs than that.

Yeah, we are scared of your hair too

*Too much lipstick on Edward!!!!!  Also, he looked like an undertaker in that suit.

*I HATED what they did with “The Phone Call.”  In the book, Jacob doesn’t know that it is Edward on the phone and innocently answers “Carlisle’s” question when he asks where Charlie is.  In the movie, Jacob knows it is Edward on the phone and obviously phrases his response to make him think Bella is dead.  Yeah, Jacob hates Edward, but it really pisses me off that they made it a deliberate action on his part.  It is literally all his fault that Edward almost dies.  I’m kind of mad at Taylor for this one because he’s been talking so much about how he really studied the books, and anybody who has looked at Jacob’s character closely would have caught that and fixed it.

All in all, I thought it was a great adaptation of the book.  One of the things I really don’t like about the movie being so popular is that is brings out all the haters.  For some reason, people just cannot leave the movie alone.  Everytime I read an article online about the movie, all the comments are filled with vicious and hateful people just ripping Twilight to pieces.  I understand it is not for everyone, but please…..leave my guilty pleasure alone!


Are You Ready For New Moon??

I think this should totally be the official poster

In less than 24 hours I will officially be waiting in line with a bunch of 12 year old girls and TwiMoms to see hopefully my new favorite movie The Twilight Saga: New Moon (I think it is really funny whenever people on tv use the full title… sounds so corny).  I am uber-jealous because my sister is going to see the movie sometime in the wee hours of tomorrow morning because she works at a theater and they got their print of it today.  She called me just to gloat about it.  Did I mention I was jealous???

I am all set to go tomorrow.  Snacks for waiting in line….check.  Blanket to keep warm on cold floor….check.  Pillow for my old lady butt…..check.  Team Jacob shirt….check.  Headphones to block noise of annoying tweens….check.  Deck of cards for Jessi and I to ease the boredom….check.

I am going to be bouncing around all day tomorrow at work trying to contain my excitement.  Now some people think it is silly and even pathetic to get so worked up about something like a movie…..or even worse, a Twilight movie.  My response to that is that EVERYBODY gets excited about something.  No matter what it is, everyone gets all worked up about either sports, videogames, the first snow of the season, or pickles, etc.  It is a healthy way to let off energy.  So I just happen to get my kicks squeeing over book releases and movie releases based on books.  Feel free to mock me if you want.

I have been getting ready for tomorrow by re-reading the whole series over (including the first 12 chapters of Midnight Sun), watching the movie again, and watching the cast work their way through countless tv interviews.  Now it doesn’t surprise me that my two favorite interviews so far are from Kellan Lutz and Taylor Lautner.  Emmett and Jacob are two of my favorite characters in the books and the movie so that makes sense.  (Full list of favorite characters: Jacob, Alice, Emmett, Seth, Angela and Garrett.)

Here is Kellan Lutz on Ellen.  He is so adorable when he talks about his dog…..and oh man, when he starts doing push-ups!  Good lord!  Also, P.S. don’t you think he would make a fantastic Peeta??

Taylor Lautner was on the Jay Leno show the other night and it was super adorable (in an awww that’s cute kind of way, not in a creepy old lady kind of way).

So I am all set to see the movie.  I am pretty sure that after I do I will want to read the books all over again…..stupid crazy addictive books!  I will try to take pictures at the midnight show of all the crazies in line with me (and don’t worry, I totally group myself in with the crazies).


I’d Like To See Edward Try To Move Like This

Vodpod videos no longer available.

God bless Entertainment Weekly and their neverending obsession with everything Twilight related.  The upcoming issue of the magazine will feature Kristen and Taylor on the cover, which will be probably the 4th Twilight related cover this year and there hasn’t even been a movie or a book out yet!!!!!!!!!  I can’t tell if their editors are the ultimate fangirls or if they are just trying to reach out to the fangirls.  Either way I don’t care, because it leads to videos like the one above.

Ms. Stewart is her usual quirky self (*cough* probably on something *cough*) but the reason to watch is the wonderfulness of Taylor Lautner.  Not only is he not afraid to frolic in tall grass (BEWARE OF TICKS!!!!) but he can do crooked backflips!!!

I am soooooooo excited for this movie!!!  With all the hype surrounding Taylor before the release, he better be in the movie for more than 15 minutes, because I can totally see them condensing the whole first 250 pages into 20 minutes (10 minutes of course, being reserved for the infamous paper cut scene).

TEAM JACOB Forever!!!!


New Moon Cover…Aw Crap, I’ll Have To Buy It Again

Even though I already own New Moon, looks like I’m going to have to buy another copy just so I can look at the cover everyday.  Whilst looking at it, I will use my fingers to cover up Bella (who looks like she is trying to cry on her own shoulder) and the terrifying Edward Cullen “I’m Stalking You” Moon.

Or I guess I could just print off the picture and hang it on my wall.

Are those zombies in the background???

Are those zombies in the background???
