Posts Tagged 'vacuuming'


Ssooooo last night I broke my beda. sad face.

Why oh why, you might ask, would I give up so easily?

Eh. I’m like that. I had major CRANKY PANTS on last night after I finished doing the dishes at like 11:30 pm and I REALLY WANTED TO GO TO BED. Just like I REALLY WANT TO GO TO BED NOW. Apparently I never get around to writing these posts until I’m extremely exhausted and incoherent.

Here is an example of one of my cranky faces:

Notice the long hair so this is a retro cranky face. Actually, this was part of a series of pictures meant to illustrate how angry and disgusted I was that Pringles changed their recipe but I never posted it...

Other things that make me cranky besides doing dishes and staying up past my bedtime?

-vacuuming I HATE vacuuming–it makes me really sweaty for some reason. Probably because I am busy hating it.

-when Steve disses the Jonas Brothers. Seriously, we didn’t talk to each for an hour one morning. and I’m not even that big of a Jonas fan, you know, I’m no Macy.

-when people honk at me because I’m not turning right on red. HELLO it’s an option–I don’t have to do it. And it is just something I do not like to do so don’t honk me into it.

-The Electric Slide.

-when I am at a super fun dance party and I have mono so I can’t dance…seriously, ask Jen or Jill about Terminus’ Bon Voyage Ball–I was in such an icky mood! And then I went to the hotel bar to have a hot chocolate and wallow in my mononess and some sleazy guy tried to hit on me by making fun of my fellow Harry Potter fans and ICK TOUCHING MY LEG. So when I threw his gross hand off my knee and informed him I LOVED HARRY POTTER, he proceeded to take off his shirt and punch the wall. So I guess getting the cold shoulder from a nerdgirl makes slimy guys get cranky… and I got extra cranky because I let the slimy guy make me feel bad about myself. OMIGOSH that night was CRANK!

I don't look very cranky in this picture! that's because I love having my picture taken with my nerdgirls so I wasn't cranky here. And my earrings were fantastic.

on that ridiculous long bonus storytime, this cranky post is over. Tomorrow I promise to post at like 6:30 when I’m still all shiny from the library.
