Posts Tagged 'NaNoWriMo'

NaNoWriMo Starts on Saturday!

Hey readers,

November starts on Saturday and brings with it the countdown to Thanksgiving and the start of Christmas music season.  I am psyched.  But November is also a special month because it is National Novel Writing Month, or if you will – NaNoWriMo! 

For those of you who do not know what NaNoWriMo is, it is a challenge to people to write a novel of at least 50,000 words during the month of November.  If you succeed, you can upload your novel (scrambled-fashion) to the NaNoWriMo website and then you get your name on a page of winners!  Sounds exciting, right?  Well, no not really, but the real prize is that hey, you wrote a freaking novel!  Your novel doesn’t have to be well written or even any good at all.  It is enough that you sat down and got your creative juices running!  Yay for writing!  In some cases though, the novels ARE well written and good enough, so much in fact that they end up getting published!

If you are interested in participating, go and register here, NaNoWriMo.  If you want, leave a comment letting us know what you plan to write about!  I’m already busy writing a book (well, trying to at least), so for NaNoWriMo I’ll continue to write my book.  However, I will keep track of everything I’ve written during November so that I’ll get at least 50,000 words in for the month.  My book is about seventh grade (can you tell I love juvenile/YA fic?) and is currently being inspired by songs from the great singer/songwrite, Ben Folds.

Yeah, this guy is like blow me away awesome.

<3, lindsayF